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3 Tips for Closing Your Parking Lot for Maintenance

3 Tips for Closing Your Parking Lot for Maintenance

Over time, your commercial property’s parking lot will require maintenance. However, closing your parking lot does not mean you close your building. Patrons will still frequent the property, and it’s not ideal to perform maintenance at night after operation hours. Your only option is to close the lot, and we have three tips for closing your parking lot for maintenance.

Provide Notice

You know the exact date you plan to perform maintenance for the lot. It’s ideal for you to notify others of this date so they can be prepared for the closure. Send out notifications and post signage letting those who frequent the lot know that maintenance will force them to find alternative parking.

No one wants to get blindsided and have to find another option at such short notice. Depending on what maintenance you’re doing to the lot, you may not need to close it down for long. Provide everyone with an end date. If possible, stick with a specific set of hours that you’ll be doing maintenance so it does not disturb the daily operations too much.

Do a Section at a Time

Some maintenance work requires more action than others. You may need to fix the cracks in the lot or add some signage for directional purposes. Smaller tasks won’t require you to shut down the lot completely. You can assign a section at a time so patrons still have areas to park in.

However, some of the bigger tasks, like removing gravel and adding asphalt, will require a complete shutdown. Don’t try to compromise the bigger jobs by doing a little at a time. This will only prolong the process. Another task you should complete at once is striping. At Precise Property Maintenance, we can finish up your parking lot striping in the DFW area efficiently.

Practice Safety

Parking lot maintenance comes with its dangers. There are harmful tools crew members use and materials that can create accidents. Before starting any task, you’ll need to make sure you have some safety measures in place.

Provide adequate signage notifying people of areas where they need to proceed with caution and areas they need to avoid completely. The warnings and notifications also make you less liable legally if an accident happens. The crew performing the maintenance knows which areas are dangerous. Consult with them to see how you can properly direct visitors.

We have all types of tips for parking lot maintenance aside from steps to take for closing it. For more information, visit our website.